Thursday, January 26, 2012

Alternate Day One

Day One

Everything, somewhat looks the same. As the morning creeps by, the afternoon sun high in the sky creeps by as usual only isn't as bright as it was yesterday. A cool blue now lines the sidewalks and buildings. It's the middle of summer and it's comfortable out, like if the world is being cooled by a giant fan. It's part of a new way too prevent any more deterioration our so I'm told. Yesterday it became official that a liner would be placed in the atmosphere by the international space station. Too lower the temp of the planet, preserve what we haven't lost. Start on our way to healing the world. But then again, they've told us all sorts of things. It's not like we can look somewhere else for another opinion. Work is almost business as usual, at my local market I see the same faces I saw two weeks ago. Only we aren't using change anymore. Not that I miss that from a cashier’s point a view. Less people trying to paying a ten dollar grocery bill in pennies and nickels. I’ve almost gotten used to the sound of sirens, as this is a new world order some people haven’t gotten with the program. Fighting the change for the better, resisting being a clone is what I say. I don’t mind the lower temps, I never did like the summer. Heat and me don’t mix but I can’t say that I don’t miss the old sun. The warmth was welcome at times. This blue, it’s too artificial. I feel like this is a nightmare I’m going to wake up from and call my best friend and laugh about my over active imagination. I wish I could call her period. I wish she wasn’t so stubborn because then she’d still be here. I told her to be careful and just go along with the program, at least for now. It can’t always be this way, someone will wake up and make things back to the way they used to be, right? Or maybe she was right, maybe the only way to stop this was to resist. But how can you? How can I resist? I am only one person, and I’m afraid to be alone, to fail alone. I remember, last week as I watched the only news on now a days, World News One. I saw the riot at the capital and I saw her face as one of the many sitting on the ground with those plastic ties on her wrists. Once you’ve done that, you’re made an example of. They are sent to the camps. They have a channel devoted to live streaming of the camp grounds. They look like apartment complexes except they fences are 16 feet high, double up and laced with barbed wire.  But it’s not just for offenders, they bring their families too. I guess to show humanity, and to portray it as a civilian rehab or sorts. You can only see outside the camp, the windows are tinted, two way mirrors. We can’t see in but whoever is inside can see out.  It’s quieter, no shouting well not much, anyone who does is taken away pretty quick. It doesn’t get dark out either, when it’s night or supposed to be a different kind of blue illuminates the night sky. It’s easily blocked by curtains and drapes so you can still sleep. It’s so eerie sometimes. I don’t even open my blinds anymore. I don’t even go out at night anymore unless it’s too work.  That pale light scares me. I feel like it follows me, sees into my mind. Reads my intentions, my thoughts, my feelings. I’ve heard sirens in action just before a person pulls down their resistance mask. Like they knew that that single person was about to break their cycle. I’m just paranoid, I guess. On edge from all the change. Things will get better, tomorrow it’s going to be easier. It’s just rough, working out the kinks. Everything takes some getting used to, especially when it’s for the better. Like a diet, nobody really wants to pick oatmeal over pancakes but its better in the long run you get used it it..eventually. Hopefully. Well good night dear notebook, tomorrow is another day and I’ll let you know how it goes.
Silently yours,
Tristie Apollo

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