Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Breeze

A breeze blew against the curtain, moonlight encased the entire room. It cast a light shadow over a pale body. It lied motionless, not even a breath too catch but her eyes were open. Velvet brown eyes, stared back into mine. A tear slides over the bridge of her nose, re-entering her body through the other without so much as a flinch. I felt my heart drop to the floor, slowly falling like a feather but carrying the weight of the world behind it. "I will not let her die."

I picked my body from the floor, and used the concrete wall to steady myself. I looked madly, searching all corners for something sharp to find and I found it. A tiny shard of glass is all I could see, just a careless safety concern for us. I ran as fast as my fatigue will allow, it felt like I was wading through quicksand. As I buckled to grab the shard, a burning sting in my lower back pushed a scream so loud I swore the dead could've heard it.

An arrow sat casually, broken through CJ's shirt and already saturated with a wonderfully bright stain. One that would be come too familiar over time. He stared blankly, acquainting himself with the arrow that pierced his flesh so simply. The pain was an old friend, the weapon a new member of his party. He had to wonder if he was just dreaming, maybe all of this was just an elaborate mind trick. "Of course..", he assured himself briefly before his senses came back to him. The pain from his injury had sent CJ into shock, his mind trying to console his body.  He rose to his feet quickly, adrenaline had now effectively given him the strength to do what he intended. With the glass positioned like a knife in his palm he brought his fist down into her thigh.

The only window in the room shattered as she shrieked so loud CJ's ears began to bleed. He whipped his head to the side in agony, but quickly regained focus and dropped his face on her leg. The minute his lips hit touched her, a fist came to his temple knocking whatever energy he had left as far way as possible. When he fell backward,  he was unable to bring himself back up so  he lied still instead. A black vale covered his eyes and a heat pressed against his skin. Gentle, soothing, then burning. His eyes shot open, he had fallen on his back and inevitably pushed the arrow further into his organs. But the burning, it was behind his eyes. He screamed again, only now it was hoarse. His tone dropping and breaking. Fragmenting into, regressing into an animals cry. He felt as bones cracked, broke and splintered. He skin was on fire, ripping and shredding, he knew his eyes were open but all he could see was that black vale. It was the only comfort for the meat grinder he thought his body was in. Rational thought seemed distant to him, pain was all he knew at that moment. Then his spine, split and stretched he was feeling his body grow. CJ was changing, he did it. He wasn't dead, he was being born. A coolness started, it prickled over his skin like ripples in a lake.

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