Thursday, January 26, 2012

First post, tester post, hopeful post

Okay, first off I'd like to introduce myself...I am Melisius Jaytek. I am not a professional writer, I am just someone who has a crazy world built of the inner workings of me, myself, my mind. I wanted to create a blog where I could write down all the stories that fill my head throughout the day. Everyday from the moment I wake up, and even past when I fall asleep I see amazing stories play out before me. When I have a lull in my day, my mind takes over and fills the time with wonderful tales of adventure. I love it. I am never truly bored because I always have my imagination. My eyes the screen, the camera, the stage always. I write because I can, it makes me feel good to put these stories down, I love every one of them because they are apart of me. I want others to do the same, and If you have a brain-cation, mind-venture, or a dreamer-tale share it. There is a good chance out there that someone will like it, and use it to start their own story and find a adventure within themselves. No matter what, everyone, and I mean everyone has the ability to do this. That's what makes us, us. Please join my adventures, add to them, be apart of them. My writings, once posted, will not be added too. There will be cliffhangers, readers and authors alike and more then welcome to continue the story the way they see fit.  Comment your piece to my piece, and there it will stay, and maybe someone will add too yours and so on. There are no limits to what you can write, its your imagination and once the last word written on my blog, and a new sentence begins in your mind, put it down. I am moderating all comments, I will add those stories that you the readers contribute, comments, criticisms, and tips will be read but not posted to keep the flow going on just stories. You can have all the conversations you like on a social network, this page is for imagination, stories, dreams, your parallel life. I thank all for their support, and I hope this is something everyone can enjoy!

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If you have an idea for one of the writings, a request for a type of story, and tips are always welcome! Please be respectful to others and myself in your comments, Thank you and let your imagination go wild!